Mon - Sat: 10am - 6pm




The George Telegraph Training Institute was established in 16th May, 1920 in response to the potential gravity of the unemployment problem. A registered trust dedicated to human resource development as per the requirement of Indian industry and is one of the pioneers in education in India.

It was the time just after the First World War, when the agrarian economy was experiencing a recession and on contrary, industrial growth was accelerated in India. Increased rate of urbanization was enhancing the levels of education within a larger number of youths, leading them to a higher level of expectations in securing jobs and making a career. But the education they were getting was not at all job oriented. Thus they failed to prove themselves to be worthy for the fast growing Indian industry requirements. This was creating a big void resulting into a greater employment problem.

At this outset few institutes came into existence who basically concentrated to train people on commercial trades and imparted training merely on shorthand and typing. But this was far behind the industrial requirements. Mr. Haripada Dutta, an out-of-the-box thinker, with his strong commercial acumen could rightly assess the gravity of this situation and launched GTTI to tackle this unattended problem.

GTTI understood the need for training the youth of the country in telegraphy which was then being introduced in the Indian sub-continent and was rising in demand as one of the most effective method of communication in the years to come. Some of the prevalent courses during that phase were:

Telegraphy Railway Coaching, Guard, Assistant Station Master's Diploma etc.

Within a brief period of establishment, George Telegraph was recognized as a centre of excellence by diverse bodies such as the British Army, the British Railway Board, Ministry of Communications-Government of India, Department of Labour- Government of India, Railway Board, New Delhi, Maritime Authorities and various Chambers of Commerce.

Today it offers a more comprehensive range of training programs in the fields of electronics engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, commercial practice, communicative studies and computer software through a network of more than 50 centres in eastern India.George Telegraph is one of the pioneers of Industrial Training in India. Established on May 16, 1920, it is a registered trust, dedicated to the cause of developing India's huge demographic dividend into a world-beating advantage and in producing absolutely employable youths.